We have a lot of investigators and my companions are awesome
and always working hard to do their best. I am really excited to build up the
church in Wetzlar we have 5 missionaries in our ward, 2 elders, 3 sisters. I
just really feel like now is the time to grow! and I think that the Members in
the area feel that too. I have learned a lot about trust in the last couple
weeks. Trust in myself, trust in my companions, but most of all trust in the
Lord. I was really nervous at first to talk to people on busses or trains or on
the street- which probably doesn't sound characteristic of me- but honestly it
was pretty hard. But then earlier this week, I felt like the nervousness of
being here began to wear off, and I was just able to be myself a little bit
more. And that meant being able to talk to people all the time, and when you
talk to people and are interested in them- then they become interested in you!
And it is in moments like that, that I can explain why I am here in Germany,
and that I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints!
I seriously LOVE saying that- I can't keep the smile off my face when i
On Friday we had a meeting with a single mom in Giessen, she
was having a hard time and her 5 year old son was crazy hyper. Before the
appointment my companions told me that this little boy was litterally insane
and there was no way to have a good lesson because he was jumping and yelling
and screaming the whole time. I thought about it a lot before we went in,
because I wanted this mom to feel like she was loved- so I said a quiet prayer
in my heart to be able to find a way to calm little Jamie. We went in and he
was there - first of all he was way cute- but also a little crazy- not that bad
honsetly (but maybe thats because I have experience with crazy children haha)
anyways- as we started the lesson I had the thought to tell jamie cool stories
from the book of mormon. So I called him over to the table and we drew and
talked about Nephi and Samuel the Lamanite and Jeus coming to the America's.
Afterwards the mother and my companions were so surprised at how calm he was-
they just had never seen him that quiet! I thought it was really special (even
though it made me miss my siblings) it was a bit of a Tender Mercy.
I love Germany so far! It is a little bit of a different
culture- as we ring doorbells, I have decided I have seen my fair share of old
men in their underwear and the cigarette smoke is a bit annoying- but the
people are down to earth and so fun to talk to! I have talked to people from
Russia, California, Bavaria and many parts of Germany- Everyone has their own
story to tell- I think that is why I love this so much- because you can learn
so much about people. I think there is a speacial spirit as a missionary that
really helps you feel how much Heavenly Father loves each and every one of his
anyways- love you all!
Sister Shurts!
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